10 Things We Thought Everyone Knew, But They Don’t
Have you ever learned something that everyone around you already knew for years and you just found out about? Or maybe you’ve been the one to tell people something you thought was common knowledge but no one else knew about it. This list, culled from an online message board, features several facts people thought were widely known, but, as it turns out, are not. Who knows! You might learn a few things in this article that you never knew before!
Ammonia + Bleach = Poison Gas

“Don’t combine the two, and pay attention to the active ingredients on cleaning products. Glass cleaner is often ammonia-based while “bathroom cleaners” usually contain bleach, for example,” said one commenter. Although these cleaners have a warning on the label, most people don’t read them.
How We Get Cow’s Milk
“Cows have to give birth first before they can produce milk, just like any other mammal,” said on user. Humans have to be pregnant to produce milk and it’s the same for cows.
Headlights On When It’s Raining
Some people don’t know that failing to turn on your headlights when it’s raining can be a safety hazard. One commenter recalled, “I’ll never forget my driver’s ed teacher saying, ‘If your wipers are on, your headlights should also be on.'”
Highway Numbering
“In the US, even numbered highways go east and west whereas odd numbered highways go north and south,” according to a user. Most people think the numbers on highways are random, but they actually follow an ordered system.
Rinse Out Blood Stains With Cold Water
“I was always taught that if I were to bleed through, rinse with cold water, perhaps a bit of hand soap. And if need be, some saliva, since the enzymes in saliva can break up blood,” recommended one commenter. Several people backed up the claim that spit was also a big help.
Red Light Malfunction
“If the traffic lights are out at an intersection, treat it as a 4-way stop,” said one user. Some people go a bit haywire when a traffic light is out, but there’s no reason to panic. It might cause a little backup in traffic, but it should be treated like a stop sign.
Interrogation Rules
“Police are allowed to lie to you, manipulate you, and twist your words during interrogations. Most people assume there’s some kind of rule in place, but once you waive your right to an attorney and agree to talk they can basically do whatever they want short of a threat. Innocent or not, always, always lawyer up immediately,” said one commenter.
Fertilized Chicken Eggs
“Some eggs aren’t fertilized and will never become a baby/chicken/penguin. It baffles me how many folks I’ve had to explain that to this month alone,” said one exhausted user. Don’t worry; your breakfast eggs are not fertilized and will never hatch!
Home Addresses
“Odd/even addresses are on opposite sides of the street,” informed one user. Knowing this can be a big help when looking for certain addresses that you’ve never been to before. If your address is odd, you know to look on the side of the street with odd numbers.
“Knocking on a door, waiting for a response saying you can come in, then going inside. It’s baffling to me how many people do think to knock, then go right in the second they’re done, forgetting the point of knocking,” complained one aggravated commenter.
11 Ways Americans Determine if Someone Hails from the West or East Coast
While American culture may seem homogenous on the surface, there are distinct differences that set apart those from the West Coast and the East Coast. In this article, we delve into the subtle and not-so-subtle ways Americans determine whether someone hails from the West or East Coast. Whether it’s the accent they carry, their culinary preferences, or even their laid-back versus fast-paced lifestyle, these regional markers help us pinpoint where in the country someone might call home.
Read more: 11 Ways Americans Determine if Someone Hails from the West or East Coast
14 Common Misconceptions About the U.S. That Americans Want Foreigners to Ditch ASAP
In an increasingly interconnected world, misconceptions about different countries and cultures abound. Regarding the United States, a diverse and vast nation, foreigners often hold certain preconceived notions that can sometimes be far from the truth. On an online platform, Americans share the most annoying misconceptions foreigners have about the U.S.
Read more: 14 Common Misconceptions About the U.S. That Americans Want Foreigners to Ditch ASAP
10 of the Dumbest Travel Tips People Have Ever Gotten
When planning a trip, one of the first things people do is ask friends and family for travel tips so they can make the most of their vacation. Sometimes, the advice they get is so bad it would have been better not to ask at all. This list gathers some of the worst travel advice shared on an online forum so you don’t make the same mistakes as these people did.
Read more: 10 of the Dumbest Travel Tips People Have Ever Gotten