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14 Places People Are Afraid Of Visiting Again

According to real people’s scary stories on a recent message board thread, these are the top places they’re afraid to go back to. They dealt with strange people, creepy towns, and unfriendly locals. You may want to think twice before stepping foot in any of these places.

Exuma, Bahamas

A small paradise beach located on Shroud Cay in the Bahamas. Shroud Cay is part of the Exuma island chain and the Warderick Wells Land and Sea Park. Perfect, isolated beach.
Photo credit: Daniel Sockwell // Shutterstock.com

One commenter recalls, “Instead of going to a resort, we rented a house on VRBO. Gorgeous beach front property with an infinity pool, 6 bedrooms etc. As soon as we pulled to the house, 4 men came out of the bushes and informed us that they were our house staff for the week for low cost of $250. They all held machetes. We paid them, they left. I did not sleep at all on that vacation.”

Paradise, California

2 firefighters spraying high pressure water to fire with copy space
Photo credit: Prath // Shutterstock.com

This 2018 fire originated in Paradise, California and is one of the most destructive fires in California history. One user said, “My dad and I visited it years ago, we had such fond memories. It’s now burned to the ground. Makes me sad just thinking about.”


Dusk In Mogadishu Somalia
Editorial credit: Jan Wellmann / Shutterstock.com

Although Somalia is commonly known for pirates that hijack cargo ships, some people dislike it for other reasons. One female commenter said, “Relatives of my father would pity my parents, because I was an unmarried 20 year-old woman. They would, of course, then blame it on the fact that I was born in a western country. Then they would go on and laugh at my parents, because they paid for my education; my relatives thought it was an absolute waste since I was just a girl.”

Penelope Lake, Canada

The view of Upper Waterton lake from the Goat Haunt ranger station in Glacier National park in Montana. Part of the international peace park it can be reached by boat from Canada leading to hikes.
Photo credit: Francis S O’Brien // Shutterstock.com

“I visit my family’s cabin deep in the Canadian bush. Nearby, there is a trail that takes you to a lake. A couple of years ago, I was walking that trail when out of nowhere, a large rock seemed to be thrown at me and landed almost at my feet. I then heard what I thought was a gorilla. It was so loud that I could feel the bass of the screaming in my chest, and it seemed to last for so long. I don’t go to Penelope Lake anymore. I don’t feel welcome….,” says one creeped out visitor.

Darien Gap, Panama

The bridge as an entrance to Darien's wild jungle
Photo credit: butabanatravel // Shutterstock.com

Darien Gap is known as a place where many migrants and smugglers cross to get to central America. One visitor recalls, “Thick jungle, a 66 mile hike with absolutely no roads. Cartels, 5 deadly native tribes, jungle predators, flash floods, huge rivers, mudslides, piranhas, robberies, rapers, disease, traffickers. I had to go for some research project but don’t work in that industry anymore and never will return.”


Rooftop view,looking across to the Riverside area of Cambodia's capital city.Sunset over Royal Palace and high rise buildings beyond, as a small boat drifts by towards the Mekong river.
Photo credit: Neil Bussey // Shutterstock.com

“The last time I was in Cambodia, I’m not sure if I bribed an immigration officer, or got extorted for money but either way, getting detained there was enough to make me never want to go back,” said one user.


Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“I’ve traveled extensively and I was harassed horribly in Egypt. I wore lose clothing that covered my body, I was very mindful of this, I went out with and without a head scarf (I’m blonde and was told this didn’t help my situation) but after all of the places I’ve been the only place I wouldn’t revisit is Egypt. Maybe Cairo is ok but I wasn’t there and it was traumatizing. Men on top of trucks screaming at me and making lewd gestures, waving guns and trying to grab me, groping me as I walked down the street with my male partner. It was a gross feeling and I left quickly,” says one female traveler.

Dagestan, Russia

Republic Government House at Lenin Square in Makhachkala, Dagestan Republic of Russia
Photo credit: pdeminhiker // Shutterstock.com

Dagestan was recently in the news because a large, violent, anti-Semitic mob threatened an airplane full of Jewish people at the local airport. One commenter says, “People are too wild there and attitude towards women is awful, though the nature is beautiful.”

Nuevo Laredo, Mexico

View outside the City Hall of the city of Nuevo Laredo
Photo credit: SirFinderenn // Shutterstock.com

Nuevo Laredo is a border town that connects Mexico with the Texas city of Laredo. One user says, “Cops are scary. Cartel runs the town and I’ve had a gun pulled on me twice.”

Skinwalker Ranch, Utah

Skin walker ranch healing circle
Photo credit: dai345 // Shutterstock.com

This area in Utah is a deserted stretch of land known for its paranormal activity. One visitor said, “My dad took me down to Skinwalker Ranch when I was like 14 or 15, it was about a forty minute drive from his house to get to the reservation. The entire area around the ranch itself is just weird, personally I’m skeptical with a lot of paranormal stuff but whatever they got going on there is sketchy. It seriously jammed my phone signal when we got close and the entire atmosphere was just uncomfortable.”


View of the Antonine Baths in the ancient city of Carthage, Tunisia
Photo credit: Jess Kraft // Shutterstock.com

One commenter shares her uncomfortable experience as a female traveler, “As a blonde haired, blue eyed woman (I’m also very short at 5ft 2) I was honestly harassed every single day. I didn’t get a minute of peace anywhere and it’s put me off ever going back.”

Lesbos, Greece

Cape Drastis cliffs near Sidari and Peroulades on Corfu island in Greece. Famous rock formations with small beach and rugged coastline. Popular Greek destination for summer vacation
Photo credit: Julia Lav// Shutterstock.com

One visitor said, “I’d probably visit again if I could go by sailboat, because the island is wonderful. But I have never ever been as scared in traffic as I was in Lesbos. I’ve never experienced people driving so fast and so recklessly. My most stand-out memory from visiting was our taxi going 4x the speed limit past a school.”

Gary, Indiana

Aerial View of Downtown Gary, Indiana and its Steel Mill.
Photo credit: Jacob Boomsma / Shutterstock.com

Gary, Indiana has become a very economically depressed area, with many people leaving the town for better opportunities. Many describe it as a ghost town with abandoned buildings and boarded-up homes. “Indiana resident my entire life. Took the wrong exit in Gary once and ended up in the heart of Gary. Broad daylight. Didn’t matter. Never felt so unsafe in my life. Never again!” says one commenter.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Aerial view of Rio with Corcovado Mountain, Sugarloaf Mountain and Guanabara Bay - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Photo credit: Diego Grandi // Shutterstock.com

Rio de Janeiro is known for its high crime rate. “Gorgeous place and the people are super friendly, but violent crime is everywhere. The only place I’ve been woken by the sound of automatic weapons,” says one scared visitor.

Source: Reddit

Ranking the 12 Scariest Locations in the United States, According to Americans

Aerial of Camden New Jersey Sunset
Photo credit: FotosForTheFuture / Shutterstock.com

The United States is known for its multifarious range of cities and towns, each with its own unique character and atmosphere. While many places offer captivating beauty and exciting experiences, some have gained a reputation for being unsettling or downright terrifying. Recently people shared their encounters and impressions of the scariest places in the U.S. 

Read more: Ranking the 12 Scariest Locations in the United States, According to Americans

The 12 U.S. Cities Americans Consider the Worst

Daytime view of the downtown city center of Stockton, California, USA.
Photo credit: Matt Gush / Shutterstock.com

Some cities in the United States may be less desirable to visit than others, due to crime rates, infrastructure, and cleanliness. Recently on an online platform, Americans have shared their views on the worst big cities in the USA and why they believe so.

Read more: The 12 U.S. Cities Americans Consider the Worst

12 of the Most Underrated Cities in the United Stats You Can’t Afford to Miss

Savannah, Georgia, USA at Forsyth Park Fountain.
Photo credit: Sean Pavone // Shutterstock.com

Fellow wanderers have spilled the beans on some of the best-kept secrets in the country, and we’re inviting you to come along for the ride! So, fasten your seatbelts, grab a map, and venture off the beaten path to uncover some truly magical and underrated gems together!

Read more: 12 of the Most Underrated U.S. Cities You Can’t Afford to Miss

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