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Take Me to the Beach

Esther Williams swimsuit

Esther Williams swimsuit

ModCloth sun hat

Esther williams swimsuit

Esther Williams swimsuit
It has been years since I was last on an actual oceanside beach. I’m pretty sure the last time was in Goa – which is already two years ago! Thankfully, that dry spell came to an end this weekend. My husband and I ventured out to Manasquan Beach and had a wonderfully relaxing time. (If you’re looking for a gorgeous, quiet beach on the Jersey Shore – I highly recommend this one.)

And what better time to show off my favorite swimsuit? This retro-looking swimsuit is by Esther Williams, and I absolutely adore it. I get so many compliments on it, and it is so comfy. I love how this swimsuit just stays where it should. I don’t have to worry about anything being exposed that shouldn’t, it doesn’t give me a grundy – I can move without worrying (as you can see in the jumping picture)! Wahoo! There is nothing better than actually being comfortable in a bathing suit.

It also goes really well with my great big sun hat – another bonus. It was a good thing I had my hat on that day, because I was a complete idiot and forgot to apply sunscreen to my back. Thankfully, the sun hat covered all of my upper back, and my swimsuit bottoms come up quite high…so, there’s only a small strip of my back that is bright red! I won’t be making that mistake again, but at least I know the hat can hold its own in the sun protection department.

The Beach

I know swimsuit season can bring all kinds of not-so-nice feelings up, but there are so many awesome swimsuits cropping up that flatter all body types..especially at ModCloth. They are really embracing all shapes and sizes. If you haven’t seen their swimsuit campaign be sure to check it out, it features ModCloth employees, who are not photo-shopped, rocking the swimsuit I have on.

(Click here to see an article on the campaign.) It’s a good reminder to celebrate ALL body types, and not to knock one type down in order to bring another up. Everyone is different, and nobody has a perfect body!

I have a challenge for you all (and myself) this summer – let’s all try not to make comments about others or ourselves like “I/she could lose a couple pounds” or “she needs a burger” or “she’s too muscular” or “why’s she wearing a two-piece” or “I could never let my stomach hang out” etc. Let’s build each other up this summer! Compliment each other, embrace our bodies, and admire the courage it takes to bare it all at the beach! Who’s with me?

Where to find it:

Swimsuit: Esther Williams

Sun hat: Amazon


  1. Auntie Wendy says:

    Love the suit and the hat!!
    Just wishing you were at my beach with me!!

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Haha! Thank you! Come visit!

  2. jenniferrzasa says:

    You look amazing…great swimsuit! And I love that you are still rocking the sunhat 🙂

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Thank you so much! I’m a bit obsessed with this sun hat. Haha. 🙂

  3. Ela (@WunderBliss) says:

    This bathing suit looks amazing on you! I always had such a hard time finding a bathing suit locally so I always end up ordering one online. You are rocking this sun hat, as always. I also love the idea of building up each other and not constantly criticizing other people. I find that people that do this tend to just not be happy with themselves, so it’s really nice to see how honest you are – I’m totally with you on this.

    Have a great week! Oh and I love these photos:-).


    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Thank you so much, Ela! And I completely agree – those who bring others up instead of tearing them down are much happier with themselves. Hope you have a great week, too!

  4. Picturesand background are beautiful! I lov your retro style!

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Thank you so much! 🙂

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