Home » Style + Shopping » Très Chic

Très Chic

Forever 21 dress

Demon Tz scarf

Little black dress

Little black dress

Bow heels

Demon tz scarf

This outfit is not necessarily a tribute to French fashion…however, I do have a new accessory from France I am excited to tell you about! Also, I have to get this off my chest before we go any further…it was driving me absolutely bonkers that I couldn’t figure out how to put the little accent mark above the “e” in tres for the title. But, oh well…life goes on! Haha. (*Update: Jen from Dressing With Class taught me how to fix this. Thank you, Jen!)

The dress in this post was a really exciting find for me. I’ve actually had it for about 5 years, and I had no idea what happened to it…until I found it tucked away in a spare closet at my mom’s house this weekend. It’s a little out of my normal realm of style, but it’s good to break things up now and again…especially when the weather was as warm as it was this past weekend (the upper 50s – thank you Mother Nature!). This dress was also the perfect complement to my fancy new sunglasses.

Polette sunglasses

My sunglasses are from Polette, a French eyewear company…that is now expanding globally and had asked me to collaborate with them!

Their eyeglasses and sunglasses are all very reasonably priced (designer’s frames from $6.99 to $9.99 and anti-scratching anti-reflective lenses from $9.99 to $75)…and they are very stylish! You also have the option for all the frames to order them with or without a prescription lens. And I do actually wear prescription glasses, but I only wear them after I take my contacts out before bed. So, I opted to try some fashion sunglasses (no prescription)!

I really enjoyed the “try on this frame” feature of Polette’s website. It was a good way to judge how these sunglasses would sit on my face. I like my sunglasses to sit higher vs. skimming my cheeks (that drives me bonkers). And this feature accurately showed me just how these glasses would sit. Neato!

I am also impressed with the quality of these glasses. They feel very durable and they are very comfortable to wear throughout the day. The only negative I have to say about Polette is that the shipping takes a while. Once I placed my order for these sunglasses it took well over 2 weeks for them to reach me. Which really isn’t a big a deal, but I’ve gotten rather used to super fast shipping (Amazon Prime has ruined me. Haha.).

And this won’t be the last you hear of Polette…stay tuned for giveaway I’ll be hosting with them! 🙂

You can also follow Polette on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.

inverted bob

And before I let you guys go…did anyone notice I had my hair freshened up a bit? (Don’t feel bad if you didn’t…it’s not that terribly different.) I dyed it a bit darker and had it cut into an inverted bob. Nothing too drastic, but my hair need a refresher (it was fading into a very odd color)!

What do you guys think of this look and my new sunglasses? Would you order from Polette? Let me know in the comments!

Where to find it:

Sunglasses: c/o* Polette Eyewear
Dress: Forever 21 (Old. Similar here & here.)
Heels: Amazon
Scarf: c/o* Demon TZ
Necklace: Kohls (similar)
Earrings: Gift (Similar here.)

*c/o = courtesy of, meaning the company gave me the product to be used on my blog, and I did not pay for it. All opinions are my own, and I am not being compensated for a positive review.


  1. Anna - Alina says:

    Amazing shoes!Great blog, so if you want, we can to follow each other on bloglovin! Just follow me here and I’ll follow you back! ♥ https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/anna-alina-3947784

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Thank you, Anna!

  2. I love this look. I feel like I constantly say that when commenting on your stuff. But if it’s true and it’s nice, you should say it as much as possible. there’s just something about black dresses and red lipstick that scream “that’s right, I’m a classy vixen. And I probably have somewhere very important to be!” I’m getting closer and closer to having enough money for a big staple purchase and it might just be a LBD!

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      You are far too kind, Patrick! Thank you! You really can’t go wrong with purchasing the right LBD! 🙂

  3. Hi, Lindsey! Loved your style, shoes and hair! The Polette glasses are also really beautiful, we can see it’s high quality! The tres! “Accent aigu” (acute accent), like é and its examples: amitié, tenacité. Accent grave, è, like très. I only wrote that, hope you don’t mind, because I used to be a teacher 🙂 and I remembered the rule to teach students… good times, maybe I will be a teacher again one day! Indeed, the outfit was très chic and you look beautiful! I am following you now!

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Hi, Denise! Thank you so much for the kind words and for following my blog – I’ll be sure to follow back! Haha and I don’t mind you writing that at all..I just wish I could have gotten the ` above the e on my title…but I have no idea how to do that in WordPress. 🙂 Very cool that you were a teacher! 🙂

  4. PrettyKathi says:

    Simply a fabulous outfit! I just love your flattering dress, Your scarf is SO pretty and I love your necklace and earrings…very cute accessories!

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Aw thank you, Kathi! Demon TZ has amazing scarves! 🙂

  5. I love the print on that scarf and the bow shoes are too cute!

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Thank you so much, Jessica! I’m not showing it off in this post…but if you click here, you can see this scarf actually has a wolf/husky face on it. It’s pretty neat!

  6. AmandaBrezovsky says:

    Tres chic indeed! You look gorgeous in all black and im loving those bow heels! Black sunnies are always good to have. They go with everything. I just got a pair ordered from Polette myself. I can’t wait to get them!


    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Thank you so much, Amanda! I can’t wait to see your sunnies! 🙂

  7. theclassyjunk says:

    Ow! Ow! That’s a very nice dress and you are wearing the heck out of it!


    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Oh gosh…you are too kind! Thank you! 🙂

  8. Lauren-Blair says:

    Très chic indeed!!!!! And I totally noticed the hair immediately and loved it! #gorgeousness XO

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Thank you so much, Lauren! You’re the best! 🙂

  9. Wowie! That dress – so elegant, so chic. And I love the shades. Beautiful.
    Also I did notice there was something different with your hair. It’s a bit shorter again. But it looks very nice!
    Much love,

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Thank you so much, Mona! You are too sweet! Much love to you too! 🙂

  10. Steve Holliday says:

    Nice shoes, lovely dress, a beautiful woman, and your legs really make this look outstanding.

    1. haveclotheswilltravel says:

      Thank you

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