Halloween Costume Trends for 2023: 10 of The Best Pop Culture Costumes

Have Clothes, Will Travel

Halloween is almost here, and everyone is already planning their costumes. Two things that are important for a costume is the creative thought and execution.

You can always wear the classic spooky DIY costumes or you can take inspiration from the best trending pop culture references in this post. Enjoy!


Everything in red is a superb concept to have for Halloween. To pull off this look, red shoes, cargo pants, and a red leather jacket are a must-have. If you want vibes, then don’t forget to buy a mic.

Ted Lasso

Unfortunately, this year was the last year for the hit series Ted Lasso. If you are a fan of the show dressing up as Ted for Halloween will be a fun and recognizable costume. exude Ted Lasso’s infectious positive attitude and smile throughout the festivities.


If you want the creepy Halloween costume, Antler Queen from the Yellowjackets is the best look. You can always use some soccer-themed uniforms and add blood to the mouth for the sinister effect.

Barbie & Ken

The Barbie film is the most popular and anticipated inspiration for this year’s Halloween costumes, especially the matching cowboy outfits if you’re looking for a couple’s costume.

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